Music – Soul Soothing

Everyone loves music — this isn’t news.  I am no different than everyone else, apparently.  During dark times, I turn to my specific playlists: “Sad,” “Angry,” “Lost.”  “Vienna” by Billy Joel has me reflecting on the meaning of life and the great big rush we are always in.  “When It Rains It Pours” is the perfect song to snap me out of a somber mood.  “Goodbye” always reminds me of the important things in life — namely family, friends, and self-worth.  Music definitely anchors me to PERMA.  I feel engaged and positive, as well as focused on personal relationships.

Team Van Rides

I’ll admit it, I was a little nervous about meeting the guys on the golf team.  These were the guys I was going to spend the next four years with; what if they didn’t like me?

After a couple of the team van rides, I realized my worries were unfounded.  The boys on the team were so casual and welcoming. We talked about music and enjoyed radio hits, discussed how our days and weeks were going, and laughed about anything and everything.  I used to hate commuting, but now I don’t mind a little traffic if it’s with the team in our big blue golf van.



3 Great Things

While reading Martin Seligman’s Flourish, I took note of many little ways to improve overall well-being.  One of which, “The Three Great Things” journal, I am continuing to this day.  The activity is simple: at night, just before bed, pencil down three good things that happened to you that day.  They don’t have to be groundbreaking or colossal achievements; they can just be little things, like the one joke that made your friends laugh or that great meal you had.  We as humans tend to internalize and overthink about the bad things that happen to us — this little activity helps us remember that great things inevitably happen too!

Today’s 3 Great Things:

  1. Had an awesome workout
  2. FaceTimed my parents
  3. Kicked a 50 yard field goal (my first one ever!)